
New Tork research reveals link between clean, well-functioning workplace and employee satisfaction 

Challenges facing facility managers
Facility managers face a tough backdrop, there are lots of day-to-day problems to be solved and increasingly little time to solve them. There are higher employee expectations regarding cleanliness, hygiene, and sustainability post-pandemic which they’re having to manage on tighter budgets. Supply chain issues, labour shortages, sustainability legislation and staff turnover are making an already difficult job harder. Facility managers only manage to spend about 18% on their time improving cleaning performance and quality, yet they name cleaning quality as their number one priority.1
Research shows cleanliness is more than just a ‘hygiene factor’. 
New research from Tork reveals a clear link between a clean, well-functioning workspace and employees’ appreciation of it. 86% of office employees regard cleanliness as the most important aspect of a good work environment.2 85% of employees think that how clean washrooms are reflects how clean the building is overall and 67% of employees say that they are more likely to complain about a washroom than any other aspect of their office.2 Washrooms are a particular problem area, accounting for over 45% of office building complaints3 – more than any other aspect of the workplace. Facility managers can therefore reduce complaints from office employees by ensuring cleaning and washroom maintenance are run well and efficiently. A more efficient washroom means more time to clean in other areas and a cleaner workspace means happier office employees and better workplace satisfaction.
Improve workplace satisfaction with the Tork Office Hygiene Package
The Tork Office Hygiene Package can help businesses elevate workplace satisfaction with smart hygiene solutions for the entire facility. For example, Tork high-capacity dispensers ensure refills are readily available and certified Easy to use and quick to refill for cleaning staff, helping them to work efficiently. 
The latest example of how Tork solutions can help is the new Tork Constant Air Freshener, an aircare system that makes keeping your washrooms constantly fresh much easier. It uses a unique, high-tech distribution technology that is propellant free to neutralise odours continuously and evenly. The dispenser can be mounted at a reachable height for cleaners, unlike many systems that need to be placed high to be effective, meaning refills can be easily integrated into normal cleaning routines. It is also third-party certified Easy to use for speedy refilling.
Part of the package is Tork Vision Cleaning – the world’s leading data-driven cleaning solution.  Using real-time data from people counters and connected dispensers, Tork Vision Cleaning takes the guesswork out of cleaning operations and shows facility managers and cleaning staff when and where cleaning and dispenser refilling are needed. This not only saves time, for example up to a 91% reduction in dispenser checks4 but also enables consistent high-quality cleaning, for example with dispensers stocked up to 99% of the time5
The Tork Office Hygiene Package also includes tools, and the support businesses need to improve workplace satisfaction, including the Office Complaints Minimiser™, a new and unique gamified digital challenge for facility mangers to test their knowledge against industry data and learn about hygiene and cleaning solutions to reduce complaints and save time.
Taking the pressure off for facility managers is important for us, we’re always looking at how our products and services deliver both a great user experience and drive more efficient cleaning – if washrooms are run well and efficiently, cleaning teams have more time to clean in the rest of the facility. This leads to a reduction in complaints related to cleaning. As our research proves better cleaning quality builds better employee workplace satisfaction” says Anna Königson Koopmans, Marketing Director Commercial for Essity’s professional hygiene business.
For more information, please visit the Tork website
1 Bringing the Office Customer to Life, a quantitative study done in 2020 for Essity
2 June 2022 Behaviorally - Qualitative and quantitative office segment research with 600+ respondents in North America and Europe and 
3 Statista: average across 2017 to 2021, 185 respondents North America, building service contractors and commercial cleaning provider
4 Based on customer measurements and feedback for dispenser checks over 6 months before vs after installing Tork Vision Cleaning (between June-December 2019). Measured across 16 sites connected to Tork Vision Cleaning, with each dispenser check taking approx. 20 seconds
5 Measured across nearly 13,000 connected dispensers between June-December 2019, based on time per month that a dispenser is in an empty status against total time per month.

For more information, please contact:

Amelia Baker, Regional Brand Activation Manager