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Add a splash of colour and sustainability

Add a splash of colour and sustainability

Colourful napkins will complement and enhance the appearance of a dish while sustainable options can help you connect with your guests’ values.

How the right napkin can improve your guest experience

Food and service are key factors for a restaurant’s success, but did you know that as many as 38% percent say that it’s the overall experience at an establishment that makes it their favourite*1?  
Colours are an effective way to enhance the dining experience. We used brainwave technology to measure how guests react to different colours. The intention was to see how colours could act as flavour enhancers. For example, greens harmonise with yellow foods since both are warm colours and share pigments, whereas darker colours like black and brown provide a luxurious contrast to lighter table settings and food. With napkins from Tork you can choose from a wide range of sophisticated colours, and you can also choose napkins that are compostable and made from responsibly sourced fibres. This is a way of showing commitment to sustainability.  
Want to see our full product range? Tork Napkins holds everything from the exclusive Tork LinStyle® Napkins to the smart Cutlery Bag Napkin and Tork Natural Napkins that can be custom printed with your logo.  

Does colour affect taste?

We equipped 16 guests with brainwave headsets to find out if an identical mini macaron tasted different depending on the colours surrounding it.

Boost guest experience beyond the plate by connecting with their values

A guest will notice 7,000 details across all areas of a restaurant, with colours among the first things they notice. <sup>*2 *3


*2. Eye movement study conducted by Tork. *3. Excerpts from Interview with Karen Haller, Applied Colour Psychology Expert, conducted by Tork, 10 Feb 2020 
*4. The International Food Information Council Foundation 2018 Food and Health Survey 
*5. The Independent, 2017.